Liz Cowie currently resides in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she continues to pursue photography while also working with the National Film Board of Canada (the NFB), as the Producer for the Eastern Documentary Unit. Here she collaborates on series, short and feature length films across the Atlantic region, from Newfoundland to Quebec.
Prior to her position with the NFB, Liz worked as a Senior Producer with RYOT/Yahoo Studios in New York from 2022-2023. Before taking on this role, Liz had been with Vice Media for over 15yrs, where her career with the company flourished. In 2007 she helped launch, VICE's first online content channel (now She then went on to work as the Associate Producer to VICE founder Shane Smith on several projects including The Vice Guide to North Korea, Vice Guide to Liberia, and The Vice Guide to Film. Liz also helped to create and produce digital spots and featured segments for the series VICEonHBO and nightly the HBO series, Vice News Tonight. She has held the roles of Production Coordinator, Line Producer, Producer, Director, and Post Producer and she has extensive experience in both field and postproduction across a variety of work on VICE’s various platforms and has overseen production on various series, documentary content, music videos, as well as larger, feature length projects, advertising campaigns and commercials. She has worked alongside the likes of Director Spike Jonze and DP Lance Bangs, as well as great number of on-camera (and off-camera) talent and personalities. Before leaving Vice in 2022, Liz held the position of Senior Manager of Development & Alternative Programming at Vice TV. In this role, she has developed and overseen a variety of original series for the network such as The Devil You Know, Betraying the Badge, Fringe Nation, and many more.